Sunday, July 10, 2011

Summerfest 2011 Recap

This year, I couldn’t ask for better weather at Summerfest. I went to the Briggs Stratton stage to see Ryan Sallis, Malea McGuinness and Parachute perform on July 8th in Milwaukee, WI.
Ryan Sallis:
Ryan Sallis and his band introduced folk rock and soul. Sallis’ vocals were excellent, keeping the audience wanting more. The keys player had a great rhythm as well as the rest of the band. They had two encores, one of which introduced a new song they just finished. 

Malea McGuinness:
Malea McGuinness and her band had a southern twang with a Californian twist. Overall, the band had a great attitude and it was shown that they love what they do. The guitar players were excellent, having a few solos and harmonizing together. McGuinness’ vocals were great, keeping the audience moving with her. The band did their original songs, along with two great covers from The Allman Brothers. 

Parachute had a great intro for the band’s entrance for “White Dress.” Will Anderson’s energy encompassed the crowd. He came up to the audience, balanced on barricades, threw guitar picks and his jacket into the audience. Kit French did a great job on saxophone and keys and played with Nate McFarland in a duo. Alex Hargrave and Johnny Stubblefield played out excellent rhythm throughout. Each member kept the positive energy going. The band did a Tom Petty cover of “Won’t Back Down” while the audience sang along and ended with their hit single, “Something to Believe In.” The band told the audience that Friday's crowd was the biggest they’ve had in Milwaukee and were glad people came out.
At the end of the concert, the band did a meet and greet with their fans and signed autographs. Overall, the band did a great job. At times, the sound was off as the band battled equipment problems but they played through it.

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